Hold Your Horses, Let’s Think Twice a Little

It dawned on me that chemistry may not be the way to go since both the degree and the careers to which it leads are meticulous and mathematically intense.  But if I get so consumed with trying to be too much of a “polymath,” this may deter me from normal adult duties, like bills, raising a family (if applicable), and especially, work.

So that leaves me with the geosciences and biology as choices for majors at my choice college (West Chester U, about 30 miles west of Philadelphia).  But since I’m not too partial to either, I thought, hey, why not get the best of both worlds?  So I might as well get, you guessed it, a double major!

They share a few courses (i.e., physics, chemistry, math, etc.), most of which I shall complete during the community college portion.  Most of the work at West Chester will likely be in the specific fields of the majors.

And these two often intertwine.  For example, consider work with plants, and the branches of biology that deal with them, directly or indirectly.  The plants are the subject of botany; herbivores, their carnivorous or omnivorous predators are considered in zoology; and their interaction with each other is ecology.  Then you have genetics and cell biology, concerning how all this stuff runs.  And there are many subdisciplines of these, many of which are “tie-ins” of each other.  As for the geoscience side of things, mineralogy and petrology deal with minerals and rocks, respectively.  Many processes shape the earth, and there are courses for that.  The weather, of course, is discussed in meteorology, and astronomy shows how celestial bodies affect what goes on this terrestrial ball.

Or, from a geological perspective, if I pursued petroleum geology, well, guess what, petroleum is brought to you, by, yes, fossils!  Paleontology, a course in the geoscience lineup, is essentially where biology and geology meet, thereby making many biological courses relevant.

Whichever major I choose to center my career on (if it is only one, as usual), the other one is doubtless beneficial.  Pray for God’s guidance for me, as He directs one’s steps no matter what his/her plans are.  (cf. Prov 16:9)

I hope the field isn’t too rocky — or wild!

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