The Carpenter-Supplier Metaphor

An anonymous scientist I know from my church made an interesting comparison concerning doctors and medical scientists like himself. Medical doctors get their prescriptions thanks to medical scientists (especially ones in the pharmaceutical industry). Similarly, this “brother in Christ” compared the doctor to a carpenter and the Big Pharma industry (who employs him) for supplies.

And there can be many ramifications of this metaphor. Examples:

-Waiters and waitresses serve food, chefs and cooks make it.

-Printed materials like books, newspapers, and magazines, must have the appropriate crew (including editors, reporters, journalists, authors, those recruited for research, and of course desktop publishing and the printing press operators). In this case, YOU are the “doctor.”

-Radio and TV programs are observed (and hopefully enjoyed) thanks to DJ’s, journalists, announcers, cameramen, stations, networks, etc. And these viewers and listeners are, again their own doctors.

There are scores of examples, but the basic connection is that doctors and carpenters, like any occupation, cannot provide their goods and services without third party supply of necessary components.

The ultimate comparison, though, is when Jesus was among us, He was more than a carpenter, and far more than a doctor (and even more than his divine title of “Great Physician”), but He does more. He saves souls! And all temporal careers are welcome, for true believers glorify Him. In His Gospels, much is reported about physical miracles that albeit had a primarily spiritual message of salvation. And it all culminated in the cross, dying and then resurrecting.
