My name is Frank Carr, from Pottstown, PA, and let me tell you, there’s nothing like the joy of books.  Web pages and even Kindles and Nooks just cannot give you the feeling of a book.

Also, I am a Christian, a religion that emphasizes loving God with your heart, soul, strength, and mind, and your neighbor as yourself.  As I read God’s Word (a central discipline for Christians), I value commentaries, classic works by theologians and scholars, etc.  While they are fallible, they still support the infallible Holy Writ.

Whether the reading material leans more sacred or secular, God is always on my side.  In case you didn’t know, I’m a progressive (old-earth) creationist, who regularly “translates” secular scientific claims into a God-glorifying form.

Bottom line:  I love God, and the world he created, and always enjoy reading Scripture and countless other books (whether Christian or secular books).  I’m a bookworm always out to find the wonders of God throughout Scripture as well as any possible resource you can think of.

Effective January 7, 2016, this blog was renamed “Frank Carr’s Blog” to “The Adventures of a Christian Bookworm.”  It has been used since August 2015, but it took a while to develop a solid distribution potential.

(Guarantee:  If you are an expert on a subject and you find an error, feel free to discuss it using comments, so not only it can be corrected, but for our mutual learning.). Just like Wikipedia editing, which I might do, but that’s for another page.

Happy reading!  Soli Deo Gloria!


Here are some links you may enjoy.  These are taken from many quality sources., including science, history, and beyond.  Always more to come!